Trivia Night & Dinner At the Den

Trivia Night & Dinner at the Den

  Fill Yer Belly & Get Your Think On

Gather your team, put your game face on, warm up your thinker and join us for a night of food and fun at the Den.

Finally, all of those ‘useless’ bits of knowledge floating around in your brain will be useful as we are host our first ever ‘Trivia Night at the Den’.  Enjoy a beef buffet dinner followed by mental stimulation. (Don’t stress, not all of the questions will be sport related.)

Don’t miss out on your chance to bid on some great items in the silent auction as well.  

All funds raised go to support the  Grande Prairie Regional Sport Connection programming, events and services.

Date: Saturday, November 2, 2024

5:00 PM: Doors Open

6:00 PM: Dinner

6:30 PM: Trivia Begins

8:30 PM: Silent Auction Closes

Cost: $40/person

Max Team Size 6 people.

A very small number of Trivia only tickets are available for $20/person